Running a Business: Page 8

Business Plans

How to Hire and Win the War for Talent

If you can't find the right people to hire, you might be looking in the wrong places.

Business Plans

The IRS Hates Telling Entrepreneurs Anything About Taxes. Here's How You Can Find Out What They're Thinking.

Tax audits are like x-ray vision for business owners, but only those who know where to look.

Money & Finance

LinkedIn Co-Founder Reid Hoffman on How to Prepare Your Business for a Recession

'You're always playing to win, but part of playing to win is making sure you get through downturns and volatility.'

Business Plans

Learn The Simple Equation That Tells You If Your Business Will Grow and Scale

Save on visits to the local psychic, this simple calculation will show if your business is going to grow.

Business Plans

How to Use Mid-Year Performance Reviews to Power Year-Long Value

Learn how mid-year reviews can support growth and set the tone for the remainder of the year.

Business Plans

Team Productivity: Striking a Balance Between Being a Boss and Friend

How to make sure your personal connections at work are healthy and productive.

Business Plans

How to Handle Difficult People (and Still Achieve Your Business Goals)

A founder's guide to effectively utilizing feedback -- even from impossible-to-please, difficult people.

Business Plans

Is It Time to Get Rid of That Disappointing Employee?

The Phillies recently demoted their underperforming third baseman, Maikel Franco. Should you take a play from their book?

Business Plans

Here's How Ace Hotels Pioneered the 'Boutique Hotel' Category

The non-traditional hotel industry has exploded since the first Ace Hotel opened 20 years ago.

Business Plans

How to Fire Yourself as CEO and Hand Over the Reins

Here are four steps to successfully transition to a new CEO.

Business Plans

5 Critical Hiring Mistakes Employers Make

Finding top-tier talent is hard on a good day, but with unemployment in the US sitting under 4%, it's even more challenging than ever.

Business Plans

Gift Ideas That Will Keep You Top of Mind With Clients

Creativity and thoughtfulness is the key to giving gifts that reinforce relationships -- any time of the year.

Business Plans

This New Kind of Expensive Lawsuit Could Easily Bankrupt Your Small Business

Wage-and-hour suits are complicated, boring and could potentially bankrupt entrepreneurs. Here's how to protect yourself.

Thought Leaders

Surround Yourself With People Who Want You to Succeed

Great words of advice from a serial entrepreneur who loves to build things.

Business Plans

The 7 Basic Human Needs That Successful Businesses Focus On

The key to a successful company is understanding the concept of personal needs: your own and those of your customers.