Summer: Page 6


Your Business' Legal Game Plan for the Summer Slowdown

While your company's pace is at a manageable hum, check for overlooked permitting issues and that all operations comply with regulations.


Is This the Summer of the Short Suit? Thankfully, Probably Not.

J.Crew and other fashion labels may be heavily advertising the look, but that doesn't mean it'll take off.


Would You Sip on Drinkable Sunscreen?

Gross as it may sounds, a cosmetics company claims to have created a drinkable sunscreen that can block the sun.


13 Tips to Stay Motivated in the Dog Days of Summer

Here, we turn to the experts, including pro athletes, authors, happiness experts and, of course, entrepreneurs, to find out what they do to recharge.


5 Sales Tips to Recharge During the Lazy Days of Summer

Sales pro Grant Cardone says when others go to sleep, you need to wake up. Here's his advice on how to work smarter to boost sales and gain a competitive edge.