Theft: Page 5
It's Official: All Smartphones Sold in California Must Have a 'Kill Switch'
Phones manufactured after July 1, 2015 and sold in the state must come equipped with an antitheft device that enables consumers to permanently shut them down.
Watch Where You Swipe: Hackers Have Done More Damage Than You Realize
More than 1,000 American businesses have been affected by in-store cash register breaches, estimates the Department of Homeland Security.
California's 'Kill Switch' Bill Is One Step Away From Becoming Law
The legislation, which would require smartphone makers to include a preinstalled 'kill switch' on all smartphones sold in the state, has passed in the State Senate and now awaits the governor's signature.
Deter the Inside Job. 5 Ways to Avert Employee Theft and Fraud.
Stave off white-collar crime in your workplace with these precautionary measures.
How Would You Handle These 7 Situations? Would You Pass the 'Diaper Test'?
There are many moral and ethical questions business owners face on a regular basis. Is there a right way to do things?
Watch Out: Here's Where Your Smartphone Is Most Likely to Get Stolen (Infographic)
Smartphone theft is on the rise, so hold on to your precious devices.
Online Debit, Credit Fraud Will Soon Get Much Worse. Here's Why.
Adoption of better safeguards in the physical world will drive criminals to electronic theft, argues payments validation entrepreneur.
Crafts Chain Michaels Confirms Nearly 3 Million Credit Cards Compromised in Data Breach
A security hole allowed data thieves access to some customer card information but not names, addresses or PINs.
The Smartphone 'Kill Switch' Is Coming, But You'll Probably Have to Download It
Major manufacturers and wireless carriers have agreed to offer a free opt-in 'kill switch' for smartphones made after July 2015.
Here's One Big Reason Mobile Carriers Don't Want a 'Kill Switch' on Smartphones
A new report shows how many billions of dollars companies such as Verizon and AT&T could lose each year if smartphone theft decreases.
7 Ways Your Employees Are Stealing From You
Is one of your employees augmenting their paycheck -- at your expense? Here are some ways they may do just that.
Better Late Than Never? Target Accelerating Program to Detect Credit-Card Fraud.
Target's chief financial officer said the retailer is fast-tracking chip-enabled smart cards, which could have been useful in preventing against the company's recent data breach.
4 Ways to Maximize Your Loss Prevention Strategies
Ways to get the most from the theft prevention technology and techniques you're already using.
6 Simple, Low-Tech Ways to Reduce Shoplifting
Lighting and personal greetings are among the low-tech ways you and can make your store less attractive to thieves.
6 Tips to Reduce Employee Theft
One in every 40 employees steals from their employer. Make sure that your store isn't a target.