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Business News

An American Icon

Some things just say "America," like baseball, apple pie and . . . franchises. Here are 5 big ways franchising has affected our nation.


Would You Like a Franchise With That?

You've decided to buy a franchise. Now comes the real choice--which one? We'll help you narrow down the menu so you can have it your way.


Back in the Saddle Again

After languishing in franchise turmoil amid franchisor changes, Roy Rogers franchisees take the reins of the franchise system and plan on blazing a trail back to the top of the food chain.

Business News

A World of Difference

For these entrepreneurs, social responsibility is the essence of their businesses. Here's how they're changing the world for the better.

Business Ideas

The Hottest Teen Business for 2005

Feeling young at heart? Up on your trends? Then you might be in a great position to open a teen-oriented business. Here are the hottest ideas for 2005.

Business News

Selling Other People's Stuff

Have a knack for selling on eBay? Then you may have what it takes to open an eBay drop-off franchise.