Kim T. Gordon: Page 3

Kim Gordon is the owner of National Marketing Federation and is a multifaceted marketing expert, speaker, author and media spokesperson. Her latest book is Maximum Marketing, Minimum Dollars.

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Get Your Copy Write

Expert tips for writing great letters, ads, brochures and more without professional help


No More "Me Too" Marketing

Before you can beat your competitors, customers have to be able to tell you apart. Here are 3 steps to becoming the leader of the pack.


Make Your Ads Workhorses

Tough economic times demand productive ads. Learn the 4 most critical elements for ads that get results.


Tips for Marketing Your Service Business

Maintaining strong customer relationships is the key to creating a strong campaign.

Business News

Booster Shot

It's a new year--the perfect time to revive your marketing with fresh tactics.


The Hottest Marketing Trends for 2008

Learn about the hottest new marketing trends plus the best ways to increase sales in 2008.