Andrew Osterland: Page 10

Andrew Osterland is a contributing writer for He specializes in capital markets, personal finance and taxes.

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Latest: Page 10

Thought Leaders

Dollar Tree Is One of the Few Winners on the Entrepreneur Index™ Today

Even on a down day for the stock market, Dollar Tree partially rebounded from a tough year.

Thought Leaders

Amazon, Netflix Gains Help Lead a Strong Day for the Market

Amazon and Netflix stock prices just keep climbing.

Thought Leaders

The Big Winner of Cyber Monday? Victoria's Secret.

L Brands stock was up almost 7 percent on Monday, and another 3.78 percent today

Thought Leaders

Was Today the Biggest Online Shopping Day in History?

Tech stocks are up big today, and it's not hard to see why.

Thought Leaders

Tech Stocks Continue to Tumble, With Precious Few Exceptions

The Entrepreneur Index™ had another rough day on Tuesday.

Thought Leaders

Confidence in the Economy Is Plunging, and so Are Stock Prices

The Entrepreneur Index™ hit the skids on Monday.