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Business News

Surviving the Work Holiday Party: A Guide to Avoiding Embarrassment and Having Fun

With the holidays upon us, many workers must endure dreaded work holiday parties — some enjoy parties, some don’t. Despite their potential for mingling and letting loose, some people find...

Business News

4 Strategies to Increase Efficiency by Using Unique Calendar Features

The purpose of a calendar is to increase efficiency. It should work for you, not against you, meaning you shouldn't be spending all your time configuring it. And unless you're...

Business News

Smart Calendar Use for Enhanced Time Management

In today's fast-paced world, enhanced time management can often be the key to achieving success and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. With the various demands of work, family, friends, and...

Business News

Get Your Your Calendar and Schedule Physical Activity

You know you want to start building a healthier, more active lifestyle, but life keeps getting in the way. You should go for that walk, take that dance class, and...

Business News

12 Time Management Tips for College Students

A successful college career relies on time management. College students have a lot on their plates with classes, homework, extracurricular activities, and social obligations — and now the holidays are...

Business News

Time Management Tactics That Rely on Calendars

You've probably seen all the different types of calendars. Maybe you use one from time to time, tracking birthdays or other important events. Very few successful business people are without...