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Business News

Using Your Calendar to Increase Your Work-Life Balance

Work is an essential part of life. Working generates an income to provide for themselves and their loved ones. Workers also make massive contributions to society as a whole. They...

Business News

4 Tips to Get the Most Use from a Limited Resource — Time

You've probably heard that old proverb about time before — it can't be bought, only spent. But don't let this get you worrying about how limited a resource your time...

Business News

Hybrid Work is The New Norm. Get Used to It

Our work has been transformed by the COVID-19 pandemic. It has become the new norm for many companies to consider a hybrid work model in the past two years as...

Business News

4 User-Friendly Calendars Teams Can Try

In today's remote and hybrid working environment, communication and collaboration are key. Your team can't work in individual silos and expect to produce high-quality work. This is why digital calendars...

Business News

How to Maximize the Way You Use Your Calendar

Even the most disorganized person can get a hold of their day with the help of a well-maintained calendar. Calendars do more than tell you what day of the year...

Business News

8 Google Calendar Hacks to Try

Having a scheduling system, like a virtual calendar, can be great for productivity. You can be more organized and on-task with a functioning online calendar like Google's. However, this software...