Angela Ruth

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Business News

Meeting Meltdown? AI is Your Superhero: Attend Less, Achieve More

What’s the bane of every worker’s existence? The answer will almost always be Meetings. Even though they are essential for brainstorming and collaboration, they can quickly become time-consuming. According to...

Business News

7 Time Management Strategies for Building an Eventful Social Life

Enjoying social time with friends and family is essential for good mental and physical health. It builds strong community bonds and helps relieve stress for an overall healthier life. However,...

Business News

How to Harness the Full Potential of Your Calendar

If you’re like everyone else in the world, you likely feel like you don’t have enough time each day. “Maximize your time with minimal effort.” Sounds too good to be...

Business News

How to Maximize Your Calendar to Enjoy All Your Favorite Springtime Activities

With every passing day, winter’s chill fades, and spring’s vibrant colors replace dull monotones. It’s time to emerge from hibernation, dust off your calendar, and join the world in planning...

Business News

Student Survival Guide to Time Management and Stress Reduction

Time management may seem impossible to students. As a student, your days are crammed with classes, assignments, extracurricular activities, and social commitments. No wonder this is a daily struggle. “Balancing...

Business News

4 Tips for Transforming Your Life with a Well-Planned Calendar

Is your calendar causing you more stress? Do you feel overwhelmed whenever you get another meeting invite or a teammate asks to find time on your calendar? Do you say...

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