Barry Farber: Page 3
Barry Farber is the author of 11 books on sales, management and peak performance. His latest release, "Diamond in the Rough" CD program, is based on his book, radio and television show. Visit him at, or email him at
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Latest: Page 3
Listen and Learn When Making a Sale
Sometimes closing the deal is as easy as closing your mouth.
Stay Energized When Selling
Everyone gets burned out at times, but you can take steps to recharge.
What Kind of Sales Animal Are You?
Ever feel like your sales team is a zoo? Turns out that's not a bad thing.
Rebound From Rejection
Rejection got you down? Pick yourself up, and turn that no into a yes.
Sales Shape-Up
Ready to ramp up your sales--fast? Our 30-day action plan takes your business to new heights.