Chris Penttila: Page 6

Chris Penttila is a Washington, DC-based freelance journalist who covers workplace issues on her blog,

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Latest: Page 6

Business News

Mixed Signals

Keep your business alive in an unpredictable economy.


Are You Ready for Virtual Collaboration?

To keep the floor open for your team's innovative ideas at any time of the day or night, bring your brainstorming online.

Business News

18 How-To Sales Secrets

How do stellar sellers work their magic? From cold calls to closing, here are their top secrets to super selling.


Behind the Magic

How do stellar sellers work their magic? From the first cold call to closing the deal, discover the top sales secrets of some seriously successful salespeople.

Growing a Business

Bartering in Business

Barter is back in style and spanning the globe. Here's what you need to know to become the master of your exchange.

Business News

Corporate Raider

A joint venture with a big company sounds great -- until they back out and take your idea with them.