Chris Penttila: Page 7

Chris Penttila is a Washington, DC-based freelance journalist who covers workplace issues on her blog,

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Latest: Page 7

Business News

Easy Steps to Startup

Everything has its place, especially when launching a biz. But what comes first? Here's what the experts say.

Business News

No Train, No Gain?

You've invested a lot in training your employees, so see if you're getting what you paid for.

Growing a Business

Separation Anxiety

Don't worry if you have an employee who's not a team player--it <i>is</i> possible to deal with loners in a way that makes everyone happy.

Business News

Crisis Mode

Economic crises are trickling down to entrepreneurs. How are they fighting back?


Setting Sale

Is your business anchored down by a stale sales plan? Learn how to navigate the 5 biggest sales challenges facing entrepreneurs today, and get back on course.

Starting a Business

Hit or Miss

Jumping on a hot trend at just the right time can be a great way to launch a business. But how can you tell if a trend has enough staying power to stake your startup on it?