Chris Penttila: Page 8


Chris Penttila is a Washington, DC-based freelance journalist who covers workplace issues on her blog,

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Latest: Page 8

Business News

Crisis Mode

Economic crises are trickling down to entrepreneurs. How are they fighting back?


Setting Sale

Is your business anchored down by a stale sales plan? Learn how to navigate the 5 biggest sales challenges facing entrepreneurs today, and get back on course.

Starting a Business

Hit or Miss

Jumping on a hot trend at just the right time can be a great way to launch a business. But how can you tell if a trend has enough staying power to stake your startup on it?

Operations & Logistics

Talent Scouting

Employees' hidden star qualities might be just the thing to put your business's name in lights.

Growing a Business

Out With the "In"

If you want happy, harmonious employees, it's time to kick those workplace cliques to the curb.

Business News

Age Rage

Younger employees are crying age discrimination.