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Business News

Is a Big Move in Store for Applied Materials Stock?

Applied Materials (AMAT) has been trading in a wide sideways trading range where it has formed a level of support and a line of resistance. If the stock breaks through...

Business News

Is Amicus Therapeutics Headed for a Breakout?

A resistance line and an ascending support line has formed in the chart of Amicus Therapeutics Inc. (FOLD). If the stock breaks through this resistance level, a breakout is expected....

Business News

Is Taiwan Semiconductor Setting Up for a Big Move?

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM) has been trading in a sideways trading range since March, where it has formed a level of support and a level of resistance. At some point,...

Business News

Is Maxar Technologies Headed for a Breakdown?

A level of support has emerged in the chart of Maxar Technologies Inc. (MAXR). The stock has bounced off it a few times already, but if it finally falls through...

Business News

Is Alcoa Setting Up for a Breakdown?

Alcoa Corp (AA) recently reported a strong third-quarter due to higher aluminum prices. However, in its chart, a level of support has formed. If the stock falls through this level,...

Business News

Is Magnite Headed for a Breakdown?

A support line has formed in the chart of Magnite Inc. (MGNI). If the stock falls through this level of support, a breakdown is expected. Read more to learn how...