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Business News

Is SunCoke Energy Setting Up for a Big Move?

A level of support has formed in the chart of SunCoke Energy Inc. (SXC). The stock has recently rallied off that level, but if it reverses course and falls through...

Business News

Is a Breakout for Microsoft in the Charts?

A resistance line has formed in the chart of Microsoft Corp. (MSFT). The stock appears to be heading towards this level. If it breaks through, a breakout is expected to...

Business News

Is Amazon Headed for a Breakdown?

A trendline level of support has formed in the chart of Inc. If the stock breaks the trendline, lower prices are expected. Read more to learn how to profit...

Business News

Is Roku Headed for a Breakdown?

Roku Inc. (ROKU) looks to be forming a bearish chart pattern known as a double top. If the stock falls through its support line, a breakdown is expected. Read more...

Business News

Is Celldex Therapeutics Headed for a Breakout?

A resistance line and a level of support has formed in the chart of Celldex Therapeutics Inc. (CLDX). At some point, the stock is expected to break through the resistance....

Business News

Analog Devices Headed for a Big Move, Here's Why

An up-channel chart pattern has formed in the chart of Analog Devices Inc. (ADI). The stock is expected to either break through the channel resistance...