Jessica Wong: Page 5

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Founder and CEO of Valux Digital and uPro Digital.

Jessica is the Founder and CEO of nationally recognized marketing and PR firms, Valux Digital and uPro Digital. She is a digital marketing and PR expert with more than 20 years of success driving bottom-line results for clients through innovative marketing programs aligned with emerging strategies.

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Latest: Page 5


Branding Is Indispensable. Are You Using It to Your Advantage?

Too often regarded as buzzword rather than bedrock, savvy and intentional branding is foundational to effective goal and market setting, PR efforts and ongoing success.

Iniciar un negocio

Cómo crear un sitio web de inicio que entregue

Los sitios web no son solo para dejar información de contacto y esperar que la gente se comunique contigo. Su sitio web inspira, cautiva y convierte a los usuarios en clientes.

Thought Leaders

How to Create a Startup Website That Delivers

Websites aren't just for leaving contact information and hoping people will contact you. Your website inspires, captivates and converts users into customers.


Cómo la visualización programática dirigida puede ayudar a hacer crecer su negocio

La conciencia digital, particularmente en marketing, se ha vuelto esencial, y con la publicidad gráfica programática, puede llegar a clientes potenciales de manera mucho más eficiente.


How Targeted Programmatic Display Can Help Grow Your Business

Digital awareness, particularly in marketing, has become essential, and with programmatic display advertising, you can reach potential customers much more efficiently.


Comience hoy mismo su planificación de marketing y publicidad para 2022

Dado que 2022 parece un año posterior a una pandemia, los especialistas en marketing deben prepararse ahora para un entorno que cambia rápidamente.