John Boitnott: Page 20

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP


John Boitnott is a longtime digital media consultant and journalist living in San Francisco. He's written for Venturebeat, USA Today and FastCompany.

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5 Tips for Finding and Managing the Right Freelancer

Hiring a freelancer allows you to reap the benefits of a unique pool of talent.

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How to Be a More Likable and Charismatic Leader

Charisma is a set of social skills that can be learned and improved upon.


Inbox Zero Won't Solve Your Email Problem

Email is a process, not a task.

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5 Ways to Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Creativity

You are far likelier to have a creative breakthrough cleaning your house than watching TV.

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The Pros and Cons of Project Management Software

Analog or digital? Here's why you should (or maybe shouldn't) use project management software.

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7 Reasons Why SEO Matters for Every Startup

No matter how lean your startup, you can at least afford do-it-yourself SEO.