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Business News

11 Reasons Why Every Entrepreneur Should Have a Dog

"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive." — Gilda Radner If you're a dog parent,...

Business News

5 Best Industries to Start as a Business Right Now

Following the pandemic, we're still attempting to get the economy back to normal. You know, what is like in the pre-pandemic era. But, what exactly is the new normal in...

Business News

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Time Blocking

For most of us, we're at least familiar with the concept of time blocking. After all, the practice of time blocking has been around for nearly as long we've been...

Business News

12 Ways to Practice Gratitude this Thanksgiving and Beyond

HAPPY THANKSGIVING 2021 — TO EVERYONE — FROM THE CALENDAR TEAM Here are a few tidbits of information to spread around your table today. Legend has it that following the...

Business News

10 Ways to Manage Your Team for Out-of-Office Days

It's not surprising that job absences surged in 2020 with the world dealing with a devastating global pandemic. And the effects are still being felt as we near the end...

Business News

Listen to Music All Day, Get More Done

Music, as Dick Clark once said, is the soundtrack of your life. Even if you weren't exactly aware of that, it's true. You're probably listening to music while in your...