John Stoker
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Are You Really Listening? 7 Barriers to Listening Effectively.
Being present and really listening to what others have to say takes patience and practice.
12 Ways to Connect With Millennial Employees
They are a significant part of your team. Treat them as such.
10 Steps Leaders Can Take to Create a Culture of Candor
You don't have to be dramatic, but you must be consistent.
To Be an Effective Leader, Sometimes You Need to Give Yourself a Time Out
Nine questions for building self-awareness.
Dreading an Upcoming 'Difficult' Conversation? Here Are 10 Tips That Can Help.
Asking questions up-front and then really listening to the answers can prevent a whole lot of grief later.
Answering These 5 Questions Will Change Your Life
Getting what you want is an inside job. First you must get answers from yourself, before you can expect results from the world.
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