JR Ridinger


JR Ridinger is the founder, chairman and CEO of Market America | SHOP.COM, an award-winning global ecommerce and digital-marketing company specializing in one-to-one marketing, and creator of the Shopping Annuity®. For more information: www.marketamerica.com or www.SHOP.COM

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Money & Finance

How a Willable Business Can Benefit Everyone Involved

A business is a significant legacy -- perhaps the best one you could leave behind.


Cómo un negocio digno puede beneficiar a todos los involucrados

Una empresa es un legado importante, quizás el mejor que podría dejar atrás.

Money & Finance

This Is How Ecommerce Can Help You Build Real Wealth

Diversifying your income is beneficial for several reasons, and it's not as difficult as you might think.


Así es como el comercio electrónico puede ayudarlo a generar riqueza real

Diversificar sus ingresos es beneficioso por varias razones y no es tan difícil como podría pensar.

Growing a Business

3 Ways to Harness the Massive Power of Ecommerce

Even as the pandemic slows down, ecommerce continues to flourish. If you haven't taken advantage of it yet, it's time to start.


3 formas de aprovechar el enorme poder del comercio electrónico

A pesar de que la pandemia se ralentiza, el comercio electrónico sigue prosperando. Si aún no lo ha aprovechado, es hora de comenzar.

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