Ken Gosnell
Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
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5 Internal People Every CEO Needs
No leader should ever find themselves alone in their struggles and decisions. Leadership is about having a team of people to provide help and support through the difficult moments of the hour.
The Most Important Hour of the Day for Entrepreneurs Isn't What You'd Think
To lead a business well, one hour daily is essential to maintain energy, focus and effectiveness.
The 5 Faces of Leadership, and What They Mean For You
Business owners have many styles that help them lead an organization effectively. Here's how to use that knowledge to your advantage.
Las 5 caras del liderazgo y lo que significan para ti
Los dueños de negocios tienen muchos estilos que los ayudan a liderar una organización de manera efectiva. Aquí le mostramos cómo utilizar ese conocimiento a su favor.
How to Talk to Your Leader About Personal Issues and Ask for an Accommodation
Great employees understand the value of sharing personal issues. In fact, being open can actually enhance team performance and connectivity.
Cómo hablar con su líder sobre problemas personales y solicitar una adaptación
Los grandes empleados comprenden el valor de compartir problemas personales. De hecho, ser abierto puede mejorar el rendimiento y la conectividad del equipo.
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