Lesley Pyle: Page 2

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Founder & CEO of HireMyMom.com

Lesley Pyle began her work-at-home career in 1996 with the launch of her first website "Home-Based Working Moms." She has continued her passion of helping moms and small businesses for over 25 years now. Pyle was named one of “50 Women Entrepreneurs Who Inspire Us” by Self-Made magazine.

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Latest: Page 2

Starting a Business

The Rise of the Mompreneur: How Moms Are Killing It in the Startup World

Some of the most successful entrepreneurs out there are moms -- they have plenty of experience multitasking and working on tight deadlines. In fact, at least four out of every 10 new businesses are started by moms.


Why Appearance in Business Is Everything, Even in Remote Work

Appearance is business is still important, even when working from home. Here are some tips on how to present yourself in the best way.

Business News

I'm a Stay-At-Home Parent and Entrepreneur, and I'm Burnt Out. Here's How to Avoid the Same Fate.

Working parents have two full-time jobs: their careers and caring for their families. These tips will help you dodge burnout while juggling both.

Thought Leaders

So Your Business Just Slowed Down. Is It Time to Panic?

If there is one thing I have learned in more than 20 years of running my own company, it is that at some point, your business will slow down. Let's discuss what to do when that happens.


Lo que he aprendido en 20 años de ser emprendedor

Los dueños de negocios experimentados a menudo tienen una gran perspectiva que puede ayudarlo a encontrar el éxito y el crecimiento.

Thought Leaders

What I've Learned in 20 Years of Being an Entrepreneur

Seasoned business owners often have great insight that can help you find success and growth.