Louis Camassa


Louis Camassa has led teams in fostering brand innovation to drive growth. He has advised over 150 brands, taking two marketing technology companies to acquisition.

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I Lacked This One Critical Skill That Nearly Cost Me My Career and My Life

This one pivotal moment helped me realize what I lacked as a business leader that was indirectly holding me back.


Why It's Important to Protect Your Team From Difficult Clients

The customer isn't always right, and you should confront them when they're wrong.

Science & Technology

Truancy Is a Growing Problem. It's Also an Opportunity for Business Innovation.

Schools need more help than ever after nationwide closings trained students to stay away.


El absentismo escolar es un problema creciente. También es una oportunidad para la innovación empresarial.

Las escuelas necesitan más ayuda que nunca después de que los cierres a nivel nacional capacitaron a los estudiantes para que se mantuvieran alejados.


The Power of Empathic Storytelling: How to Make Your Customer the Hero of Your Story

Insights from leading health and wellness executives on how to elicit emotions and inspire your audience to take action.


El poder de la narración empática: cómo convertir a su cliente en el héroe de su historia

Información de los principales ejecutivos de salud y bienestar sobre cómo provocar emociones e inspirar a su audiencia a actuar.

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