Mita Mallick: Page 6

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP
Head of Inclusion, Equity and Impact

Mita Mallick is a change-maker with a track record of transforming culture and business. Her book, Reimagine Inclusion: Debunking 13 Myths to Transform Your Workplace, is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestseller. She's the Head of DEI at Carta, a LinkedIn Top Voice and a sought-after speaker.

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Latest: Page 6


Aquí está lo que las marcas pueden hacer para evitar la indignación pública y cancelar la cultura

Si no tiene un lugar para entrar auténticamente en la conversación o conectarse con ese momento cultural, no lo haga. Sentarse al margen durante ese momento podría ser la mejor decisión que podría tomar en el nuevo año.


Here's the No. 1 Thing Brands Can Do to Avoid Public Outrage and Cancel Culture

If you have no place to authentically enter the conversation or connect with that cultural moment, don't do it. Sitting on the sidelines for that moment could be the best decision you could make in the new year.

Business News

What Leaders Can Learn From Macy's Tweet Applauding "The Diverse Dance Group"

The Macy's incident serves as an important lesson and reminder for all of us. Here are five things we can reflect on, learn and act on as leaders.


How to Stop Leaders from Focusing on Cultural Fit

Instead of using that evaluation tactic, use these three strategies instead.


Here's One Way to Honor Women's Equality Day: Check Your Bias When It Comes to Working Mothers

Five myths about working mothers leaders need to stop perpetuating.