Steve Reitmeister: Page 6

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Business News

2023 Investing Lessons Learned: Mid-Year Edition

43 year investment veteran Steve Reitmeister admits to some investing missteps in 2023 by not acknowledging the new bull market for the S&P 500 (SPY) at an earlier stage. Full...

Business News

A Bearish Investor Ponders the Bull Case for Stocks

Steve Reitmeister is by no means a permabear...but its hard for him to give up his economics background and turn away from the bearish evidence in hand. However, with the...

Business News

Jobs Market vs. Stock Market?

Did you notice how much the S&P 500 (SPY) moved this week on the various employment reports? That's because the health of employment tells us a lot about the health...

Business News

Are Stock Fireworks OVER After July 4th?

The S&P 500 (SPY) has soared through the first half of the year. Even more impressive are the tech stocks in the Nasaq having a stellar first act on the...

Business News

Is the Bear Market TRULY Dead?

When you check out the surging S&P 500 (SPY) on Friday...and pretty much all June...and heck, pretty much all year, it sure looks like a new bull market is at...

Business News

2nd Half of 2023 Stock Market Outlook

43 year investment veteran Steve Reitmeister shares his most complete and up to the minute analysis of what lies ahead for investors the rest of 2023. This includes a review...