Thomas White
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'Why?' The Question That Changes Lives and Guides Success.
Why are you in business? You should have ready an honest, "all-you" response.
What is the True Entrepreneur's 'Difference'? To Find Out, Ask Yourself These 3 Questions.
Here is one of those questions: Do you fear losing your job?
Mediocrity or Greatness? That is the Question.
A clear vision and devotion to the people a business affects are the hallmarks of the best companies.
Are You Really Listening to Your Customers?
Core client service issues often fall through the cracks. Talking to those who purchase your products is a vital entrepreneurial opportunity.
The Foundation for Success Is Learning From Our Failures
Uncorrected errors of judgment cause more business failures than lack of financing or market upheaval.
Microsoft's Big Layoffs Lays Bare the Dangers of Cultural Change
Whether you run a small company or a large corporation, changing a culture should be done with care, or risk an implosion.
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