Valentina Fomenko
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Why Companies Need to Think More Strategically About Their Environmental Impact
George Bandy, Jr., a global leader in sustainability, explains why companies need to take a more strategic approach when it comes to tackling environmental issues.
A Conversation With Bridgette McAdoo: Sustainability as a Matter of Corporate Strategy
Bridgette McAdoo, who has been a leader in sustainability across several industries and sectors for over 20 years, discusses how companies can integrate sustainability into their strategy and operations.
The Future of Environmental, Social and Governance Criteria in the Corporate World, According to Buro Happold's Mike Stopka
Mike Stopka gives insight into how ESG can strengthen strategic positioning, impact operations and what he sees as the next frontier.
Are Your Company's Sustainability Efforts Failing? Here's What May Be Blocking Your Success.
The Conference Board's Paul Washington speaks on the most effective ways for companies to implement Environmental, Social and Governance factors.
ESG es la próxima frontera: una conversación con Paul Washington de The Conference Board
"Las empresas deben ir más allá de su enfoque en la mitigación del riesgo sistémico y centrarse en el alfa en la sostenibilidad".
HP CIO Ellen Jackowski Explains the Key to Corporate Sustainability
The technology company's Chief Impact Officer and Head of Sustainable Impact breaks down how environmental, social and governance factor into modern corporate strategy.
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