Sandblasting Service

Startup Costs: $2,000 - $10,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? No

There are two approaches that can be taken when considering starting a sandblasting service. The first approach is to operate a sandblasting service from a fixed location. The second approach is to purchase a van and operate the service on a mobile basis. The second option is less costly to establish. Operating a mobile sandblasting service will also enable access to a larger variety of sandblasting work. The cost to purchase basic sandblasting equipment is minimal, and the required equipment is generally available at industrial supply centers. There are many different types of sandblasting work that can be secured in every community. However, in the spirit of being unique and in an attempt to limit competition and seek a niche, pinpoint one particular sandblasting specialty, such as headstone sandblasting. It is a common practice for headstones to be installed in cemeteries while the person they are intended for is still alive. When the appropriate time arrives, the headstone is completed with the date sandblasted into the headstone at the cemetery. The business is best marketed by visiting all the monument companies in your community and offering this type of mobile sandblasting work. Current rates are in the range of $30 to $60 per headstone and each one requires one to two hours to complete.

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