Deepak Kanakaraju


Deepak Kanakaraju is a digital marketing author, speaker, and consultant. He blogs about digital marketing at and heads digital marketing at He has previously worked in well-known B2B and B2C startups such as Exotel, Practo & Instamojo. 


Growth Strategies

Marketing in the Third Dimension

All that you need to know about digital marketing


How to Become a Digital Marketing Expert Through Blogging

List building and blogging go hand-in-hand and any successful blogger will focus on it


The Top 5 Ways to Build an Audience for Your Content Marketing Channel

Great content is mandatory, yes, but without marketing your content, you'll not be able to get an ROI on your content creation efforts.


How Creating Buyer Personas will Double Your Marketing Results in 2017

Marketing without buyer personas is like flying in the dark and shooting randomly.

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