Jonathan Small

Entrepreneur Staff


Jonathan Small is a bestselling author, journalist, producer, and podcast host. For 25 years, he has worked as a sought-after storyteller for top media companies such as The New York Times, Hearst, Entrepreneur, and Condé Nast. He has held executive roles at Glamour, Fitness, and Entrepreneur and regularly contributes to The New York Times, TV Guide, Cosmo, Details, Maxim, and Good Housekeeping. He is the former “Jake” advice columnist for Glamour magazine and the “Guy Guru” at Cosmo.

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Science & Technology

These Are the 9 Dead Giveaways That AI Wrote This Story

How to spot a bot behind the content you read—everytime.


Son pocas las empresas que cuenten su historia de origen. Eso es un error

Toma el ejemplo de Steve Jobs y Phil Knight: Compartir los inicios de tu empresa es una herramienta poderosa para construir la identidad de una marca.


Esta es la verdadera razón por la que procrastinas y algunas estrategias expertas para dejar de hacerlo

La procrastinación no es un problema de gestión del tiempo. Es un problema de gestión emocional.


The Real Reason You Procrastinate and Expert Strategies to Overcoming It

Procrastination is not a time management problem. It's an emotional management problem.


Not Enough Companies Are Telling Their Origin Stories. That's a Mistake.

Take it from Steve Jobs and Phil Knight: Sharing your company's beginnings is a powerful tool for building brand identity.


7 Strategies for Being More Productive This Year, According to a Time-Management Guru

From scheduling your bedtime to taking me time, these are ways to make every hour count this year.

Recently Edited Content by Jonathan Small

Starting a Business

This Sommelier's 'Laughable' Idea Is Disrupting the $385 Billion Wine Industry

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This Fitness CEO Ignored Advice to Alter His Brand. What Happened Next Is a Crash Course in Business Focus.

HYROX founder Christian Toetzke stresses the value of staying the course.

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How One Company Transformed a Medical Device into a Mass Market Phenomenon

Hyperice's Gilad Jacobs has spearheaded the recovery revolution, expanding the use of his late mother's innovative compression invention for patients, athletes, and everyday citizens.

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How This Green Beret Defied Conventional Wisdom and Built a $46 Million Rucksacking Business

In a world of disposable goods, GORUCK strives to make products that last a lifetime.

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