What It's Like Inside Etsy's New Arty, Sustainable Headquarters New hires take an audio art tour of the Brooklyn space.
By Jared Keller
This story appears in the April 2017 issue of Entrepreneur. Subscribe »

Etsy's new Brooklyn headquarters is less than a year old, but it already feels lived in. It has colorful, comfortable alcoves set off from main workspaces, and Etsy sellers' artwork dots the spacious concrete halls. (There's even a mural constructed from old office desks and a chess table, made by a seller who uses a pedal-powered table saw.) But it's also technologically intricate; among its features, it tracks real-time energy, solar and water usage. The office constantly uses hardware and software to make everything run more efficiently, according to Josh Wise, director of workplace ecology. And, he hopes, more creatively. Staff (pictured above, from left to right) share their thoughts.
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