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Should Chat GPT Be Banned?

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Chat GPT is taking the Internet world by storm. The new AI tool allows users to type in any search query or content task and receive an incredibly unique and fast response. From writing a poem for their loved ones, writing a wedding speech or doing your homework on the civil war - the power of Chat GPT is overwhelming and could replace the need for anyone to write content again, ever.

It is no surprise that such a tool, which is also free, attracted more than 1 million followers in its first 5 days of launching, back in November. Today, 3 months later, UBS informs that the number of users exceeds more than 13 million daily.

Whilst an impressive figure, this is barely a freckle compared to the 6 billion searches conducted on Google per day.

Ethical issues

But alas, having access to such a fast-generated AI that feeds off human patterns, there is an ethical and moral dilemma. In short, do people ever need to write things again? From pupils being able to skip their homework, from companies no longer needing developers or content writers.

There are some more draconian societies that could view Chat GPT as a threat to more traditional values of learning, teaching and putting in hard work. Certainly, it is noted that Google failed in China, which meant it couldn't reach 18% of the world's population. Would China accept Chat GPT?

What The Experts Say

"There is no question that Chat GPT has some ethical issues, certainly because it takes the work out of education and is going to automate the tasks of millions of people," explains Ben Sweiry of money advice site, Dime Alley.

"Students can very easily plagiarize their work without being noticed, so this will be a challenge for students and exam regulators. What we may find is just some adjustments here, whether it is taking more oral exams, spontaneous tests known as 'pop quizes' or doing more written exams under controlled conditions, rather than being able to do work remotely."

"I don't think there will be a ban on Chat GPY, but there will certainly be adjustments to how people work," agrees Justine Gray, founder of personal finance site, Dollar Hand.

"Of course the role of content writers and developers will be challenged, especially since there is more automation through Chat GPT. But realistically, this might have been inevitable and there is no doubt that Google is going to be hot in this space very soon."

"But what you may find is that the role of developers and content creations just adjusts slightly. Perhaps they do not write as much physical copy or produce as much code as before, but they could be checking content and code and using their expertise to improve it further. Computers can go far, but the human touch is always going to be important to utilize it."

Andrew Speer of tech news site TechRound concludes: "The role of Chat GPT in our lives is still very much in its early stages and we probably don't know its full value yet and its potential - so I cannot see it being banned by countries so early on, especially if they are not breaking any laws."

"There is a saying that our kids will be doing jobs that we have never heard of and maybe Chat GPT is just the start of things to come."

"For areas that are less willing to adopt change like this, they could be using things like VPNs or banning it for schools - and this is something that each country will need to debate strongly."

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