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United Payment reviews a first successful year in Georgia

You're reading Entrepreneur Georgia, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media.

United Payment is an international FaaS (Fintech as a Service) company that operates in 5 countries of the world, Britain, Romania, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey.

The company summarized the first year of activity:

"Our direction is mainly B2B, which means that we create various modern and technological services for companies that want to improve their service, speed it up, take it outside the borders of the country, etc." said the director of the company, Nino Chedia.

It should be noted here that United Payment's portfolio includes such products as:

  • International remittances
  • Payments kiosks and smart safes
  • Prepaid cards and digital wallets
  • Online and offline payments
  • Loyalty programs

"The year of 2023 was really active and busy for us, because in a short period of time we were able to get a payment service provider license. After the license we recruited a team, and then we offered the market an innovative payment service, Smart Safe , which serves to digitize cash and replace cash collection for companies." said Nino.

It should be noted that the company's smart boxes are located in various trading networks, which offer their managers special comfort, security and increased liquidity.

"2023 was also important by the fact that in the fall we launched the second and largest service, international money transfers. We offer channels for the transfer of cash flows to Georgia for various fintech companies . Both citizens of foreign countries and emigrants living outside the Georgia can use the service. This allows them to make transactions three times cheaper , and the amount is reflected in the recipient's bank account directly." says the director of the company.

The next year will be devoted to the development of new digital directions.

"We are already preparing to launch e-commerce and digital wallet services. We have worked hard for this and we believe that we will offer the market in an easy and accessible way."

It should be noted that in the structure of the founders of the group, institutions of the highest international reputation and reliability are united. Among them: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), International Finance Corporation (IFC) and others.

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