Manager's Pre-Dismissal Checklist When an employee is leaving the company, use this checklist to make sure that he or she returns all company property and all paperwork is completed.
Employee Name: _______________________
Date of Termination: ______________________
Collect the following items from the employee prior to separation from the company:
All keys returned
Company vehicle keys returned
Company vehicle returned
Company credit cards returned
Company phone credit cards returned
Company equipment (e.g., cell phones, pagers, credit cards, laptop computers) returned
COBRA election forms signed and returned
401(k) election forms signed and returned
Profit-sharing election forms signed and returned
Company documents and files inventoried
Desk and working premises inventoried
Personnel and Payroll Departments notified of departure
Final expense report received, reviewed and approved; expense check prepared
Final check prepared (including all accrued vacation pay, sick pay, accrued wages, bonus, etc.)
Exit interview prepared
Exit interview given
Final checks (payroll and expense) given to terminating employee
All of the above duties have been completed in a satisfactory manner.
Company has no further liability with terminating employee.
Manager Signature _______________________________________ Date __________________