College Dropouts

Side Hustle

How a History Student Turned Her Side Hustle Into a Startup That's Raised $7 Million: "People Always Tell Me, 'I Thought I Had to Major In Computer Science to Be an Entrepreneur'"

Audrey Wisch never imagined she'd be one of those kids who dropped out of college to grow her side hustle into a startup. But with the help of AI, her "human-centric" service is scaling up.

Thought Leaders

How Much Education Does an Entrepreneur Really Need to Succeed?

We've all heard the stories of the college dropout billionaires. So does that mean you shouldn't go to college?

Business News

Why the Myth of the College-Dropout Billionaire Is So Enticing

Ivy League dropout successes are, in fact, the vast exception to the rule.

Thought Leaders

Are College-Dropout Billionaire Entrepreneurs Really That Common?

You've heard the stories of dropouts Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. But it turns out they were odd fish among a sea of billionaires with B.A.'s.


India's College Dropouts Who Made It Big as Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneur India lists a few business owners of India who are not just the millionaires but also an inspiration for many

News and Trends

#3 Key Lessons New Grads can Learn from Mark Zuckerberg's Speech

The Facebook founder told the graduates to create a world where everyone has a sense of purpose.


How Technology is Benefiting this Startup

With an aim to provide affordable yet standardised accommodation, the company was the first-of-its-kind to cause disruption in the space.


Dropping Out Isn't a Wise Decision Says This School Dropped-out Entrepreneur

Trishneet believes that education plays a very important role and it doesn't only mean formal education.

Thought Leaders

8 Good Reasons for Not Borrowing a Fortune to Attend College

Entrepreneurs need to be educated. They don't need debt to their ears for the same degree as everybody else looking for an opportunity.

Growth Strategies

Are College Drop Outs More Successful Entrepreneurs?

We try to answer the big questions of the world - To Drop Or Not Drop Out Of College

Resumes & Interviewing

This Major Publisher No Longer Requires Job Applicants to a Have College Degree

The decision is intended to allow for a more diverse staff and a wider range of tastes.

Business News

These Young College Dropouts Built a $14 Million Company in Just Over a Year

An app called Wigo has become the hottest thing on college campuses.

Social Media

How to Launch a Worthwhile Venture From Your Dorm Room

If you're looking to launch a business while still in school, here are a few lessons learned from StudyMode founder Blaine Vess.

Thought Leaders

Should Entrepreneurs Go to College?

Here's why taking a break from college to pursue a business idea could be good for young entrepreneurs.