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10 Questions to Ask When Designing Your Company's Logo

Logos are the face of your company, the harbingers of the all-important first impression. Follow these pro tips to hit your first logo out of the park.


How Retailers Like Apple Mess With Our Senses to Boost Sales (Infographic)

Retailers are tricky. When they play to our senses, they smell money.

Business News

5 Questions to Ask About Color in Your Marketing Messages

Color choices can make a huge difference in marketing materials. Here are some considerations to keep in mind.


Will a Specific Color Change the Behavior of Your Website Visitors?

More specifically, will a call-to-action button that is red boost conversions?


Bitter or Sweet? This One Thing Can Determine the Taste of Your Coffee.

A new study reveals that this factor can play a major role in how your morning brew tastes.

Business News

7 Deadly Web Design Sins You Might Be Making

It's a tricky subject.


Capture, Engage and Convert Customers With Visual Branding

To make the greatest impact and differentiate your company from the vast sea of online content, add effective visual elements with these four tips.


11 Reasons Why Your Website Doesn't Sell

Strip your pages of all the hurdles and turnoffs that drive customers away. Fill it instead with engaging, customer-friendly features.


How Brand Personality Shapes Customer Experience and Decides the Bottom Line

Long before a potential customer decides to buy from you, they are forming opinions about what you offer. Don't leave that to chance.


7 Steps to a New Image for Your Small Business Without Spending Much

A bit of color, tweak the logo, optimize for mobile and, voila! It's a fresh new look.


Fade to 'Vantablack': Scientists Invent a Material So Black Your Eyes Can't See It

And you thought plain black was the darkest color known to man. Blink again.


When Designing a Logo, First Comes Personality, Then Color

In this video, marketing strategist Gregory Ciotti explains 'perceived appropriateness' and why it's crucial to great logo design.

Business News

5 Ways to Make Pinterest Work for Your Brand

Pinterest is still a relatively new social media platform, which means brands are still trying to figure out how to best use it. Here are some tips for brands of all types.


Seeing Red? Keep This In Mind When Choosing Marketing Colors.

Just because one color works for some companies doesn't mean it will work for yours.

Business News

Adding Personality and Trust to Your Landing Pages Can Maximize Conversion Rates

Simple tweaks to your pages can mean hundreds of thousands of dollars in increased revenue. Here's what you can do.