

Precisely Match 200,000+ Colors Instantly With This Tiny Tool for 40% Off

Grab colors from any object around you and add them to your graphic design applications.


Capture the Perfect Color With This Sensor for Half Off

Scan any surface or object with the Nix Mini 2 and get a readout of the exact color code you're seeing.


Get This Handy Color Sensor for $50 Through Memorial Day

Keep your business in touch with any color that inspires you.


The Strategic Guide to Successful Rebranding

Is your brand image feeling outdated? Here are some important factors to keep in mind when undertaking a rebrand.

Business Solutions

Keep Inspiration in Reach with Nix Color Sensor, Now $60 for One Week Only

Scan any surface and get a detailed report of the color you're looking for.


Jumpstart Your Next Creative Project with the Nix Mini 2 Color Sensor

Save nearly 30% for a limited time only.

Science & Technology

Kick Your Creative Projects into Gear with a Nix Mini 2 Color-Matching Sensor for $59.97

Regularly $99, this can make a great gift at a great deal.


Save $40 on This Top DIY Tool Through November 9

Get the Nix Mini 2 Color-Matching Sensor for just $60.


Grab a Special Deal on This Essential for Creative Entrepreneurs

Get the Nix Mini Color Sensor at $40 off for a limited time.

Science & Technology

This Discounted Color Scanner Could Help You Maintain a Professional Look

Maintain the professional appearance of your business with the Nix Color Sensor.


Find New Paint for Your Rental Properties with This Color Sensor

Save on this color sensor and identify the real colors of your rentals.


This Clever, Color-Matching Tool is Down to $55 for Cyber Monday

Get a Cyber Monday deal on this awesome design tool.

Estilo de vida

Encuentre inspiración en todas partes con este sensor de color de bolsillo

Es una herramienta innovadora tanto para diseñadores como para aficionados al bricolaje.


Find Inspiration Everywhere With This Pocket-Sized Color Sensor

It's an innovative tool for designers and DIYers alike.