Cross Channel Marketing: Page 2


Engage People With Interactive Content With These 7 Cost-Effective Strategies

Although the ways through which we share stories these days have advanced technologically, the underlying principles haven't changed.


How Shrewd Mobile Referral Programs Accelerate Customer Acquisition

The best time to offer customers an incentive for referring your product is when they have their phone in their hands.


5 Rules for Stand-Out Marketing Campaigns

These steps helped an old company achieve record growth, and they can help your business too.

Business Ideas

3 Holiday Retail Trends Entrepreneurs Need to Consider

To compete and stay relevant, retailers need to get creative, innovative and aggressive this season.


Don't Brand for Now, Brand For 'Then'

Brand your success point, not your success journey. But, first, know the difference.


11 Marketing Wizards Share Their Best Tricks

With marketing there are no guarantees what worked for somebody else will work for you, but it's a good place to start.


Why Dynamic Content Will Deliver for the Marketing Industry

This newer method supercharges personalization, allowing marketers to deliver individual subscribers different content, all from a single email.

Growing a Business

5 Cues on Brand Loyalty You Can Take From Chick-fil-A

This restaurant chain is known for much more than its yummy chicken.


Here's Why JetBlue Wanted New Yorkers to Steal Its Outdoor Posters

'Only a real New Yorker can pull this off,' the airline teased on bus-shelter ads across the city.


3 Ways to Integrate Video Into Your Marketing Strategy

Video marketing that really resonates

Business News

3 Tips for Promoting Your Products on Social Media

If done correctly, product placement on social media can generate a lot of talk , which will hopefully lead to an increase in sales.


The 10 Questions Customers Demand Your Content Answer

You can't expect people to buy from you if your content leaves them wondering about your product.

Business News

10 Ways to Optimize Your Retargeting Strategies

Here are some techniques that will help you target your consumers better and deliver more results from your retargeting campaigns.

Business News

Why Publishing Is the Fifth "P" of Marketing

For a long time these four P's --product, pricing, placement and promotion -- were sufficient to explain the entirety of what marketers did, but marketing has changed a lot in recent years and suddenly these four categories don't tell the whole story.