
News and Trends

Apple Introduces AI Training Across 18 Developer Academies

According to Apple's press release, the courses will begin in the month of September

Science & Technology

No, AI Isn't Coming for Software Developers' Jobs — Here's Why

Rather than stealing jobs, AI is making in-demand and over-taxed developers significantly more productive, leading to big gains for innovation.

Science & Technology

4 Reasons Low-Code Tools Will Never Replace Software Developers

While low-code tools have become a go-to solution for companies and businesses, they'll never replace developers. Here's why.

Science & Technology

Learn How to Make Your Next Tech Idea a Reality

Building your big dev projects can be simple with DevDojo.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

What You Can Learn About NFTs From Coca-Cola, Acura and Gucci

Your business doesn't have to be a household name to be successful in the world of NFTs. Here's what you can learn about expanding into the metaverse from these three major brands' NFT innovations.

Science & Technology

Learn the World's Most Popular Programming Language

Start your web development journey by learning JavaScript.

Science & Technology

Learn Python, One of the Best First Programming Language to Know

Go at your own pace, in your own time.

Science & Technology

Work Toward Becoming a Technical Entrepreneur With This 200-Hour Computer Science Training

Access nine courses of curated content to understand the foundations of coding.

Science & Technology

Learn How Python Can Help You Take Your Business's Coding Needs Into Your Own Hands

Python is arguably one of the best languages for non-technical founders to learn.

Science & Technology

Become a Technical CEO and Master The Must-Have Skill of Learning to Code

Why outsource your coding needs?

Business News

These Are the Most In-Demand Skills for Freelance Developers

JavaScript, CSS and HTML top the list of desired skills for software dev contractors.


Driving Progress By Enabling Innovation Anywhere, Anytime

Along with our efforts to grow sustainable communities, however, comes an emphasis on removing execution barriers in order to preserve the possibilities for developers and startups. As many entrepreneurs grappled with the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic, so came the need to identify new ways to provide them with the resources they needed.