Emotions: Page 8


5 Ways to Stop Lazy Thinking and Start Making Better Decisions

The brain is wired one way but what life and business demands requires us to do more than just what autopilot can handle.

Health & Wellness

Crying at Work: Human or Humiliating?

A new survey reveals that the majority of people find public crying acceptable, but a work environment can both amplify and suppress emotions.


Scientists Can Identify Our Emotions Based on the Air We Breathe. Can That Help Marketers?

The study could be another way to evaluate audience responses to campaigns.

Business News

12 Apps to Help Ease Anxiety

Anxious? There's an app for that.

Thought Leaders

The 3-Step Process for Countering Negativity: Act -- Think -- Feel

Business owners face stressful decisions all the time. Here's how to perform under pressure.

Making a Change

'The Rhythm of Life' Is One Book That Will Get You Into the Groove of Thriving

Get out of the primal rut of just surviving and learn to feed your emotional and spiritual needs.

Business News

The Evolution of Anxiety: Why We Worry and What to Do About It

Worry is a problem for humans, but not animals. Read on to find out why.

Business News

Your Brand Is About the Feels

Integrity, reputation, trust and relationships are the components of the emotional side of branding.


What is Emotional Intelligence and Why Does it Matter?

Emotional intelligence allows us to become aware of the lesson, rather than the surface level pain.

Thought Leaders

6 Emotions That Plague Highly Sensitive People Trying to Grow a Business

Some people feel emotions so strongly that their is a diagnosis for it. That have to work extra hard to maintain perspective.


Imposter Syndrome Will Kill Your Business

Have you been "faking it" all this time?


9 Traits of a Highly Sensitive Person

Sensitive people get a bad rap, but research shows there are advantages to being born this way. Find out if you or someone you know are highly sensitive.

Health & Wellness

Don't Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck, Emotionally

Just scraping by financially is bad enough. Try not to go there with your soul, either.

Thought Leaders

Don't Fear the Fear -- Let It Drive You

Fear is an assault on your ambition and innovation. It strips you of your confidence. It undermines your decision making and stops all progress. But you can beat it.

Thought Leaders

Practical Advice for Fighting Fear

How do we dial down our freaked-out minds? Scott Halford, author of Activate Your Brain and the founder of the consultant group Complete Intelligence, explains.