
News and Trends

50% of The Company's Total Energy Consumption is From Renewable Sources: ITC

ITC Next strategy focusing on decarbonisation and adaptation to build resilience, enhance competitiveness and spur new opportunities

News and Trends

Miles To Go Before Achieving Efficient Spending in Battling Pollution: CSE Report

According to a report called 'National Clean Air Programme: An Agenda for Reform' by the think tank Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) reported that only 64 per cent of the total funds to tackle industrial pollution and dust pollution, allotted to 131 cities had been spent so far.

Business News

New Google Report Reveals the Hidden Cost of AI

Google has a long way to go to meet its 2030 goal.

Business Culture

Why Remote Work Policies Are Good For the Environment

Remote work policies are crucial for ESG guidelines. Embracing remote work can positively impact your business and employees.


"Save A Train" Announces Plans to Reach Carbon Zero

With its unique features, this innovative platform has the potential to revolutionize the industry by leading the way to carbon-zero emissions.

Green Entrepreneur®

Why You Need a Contribution Mindset to Thrive in 2024 and Beyond

How to set yourself and your business up for long-term success.

Green Entrepreneur®

6 Ways to Profitably Integrate Eco-Friendly Practices into Your Business

Sustainability efforts can improve operational efficiency, increase customer demand and boost profitability. Here, we highlight six easy ways entrepreneurs and small businesses can capture the financial benefits of sustainability.

Green Entrepreneur®

How to Make Your Ecommerce Business Truly Sustainable (and Why It's Important)

Effective data collection solutions help overcome the challenges of shifting to more sustainable ecommerce practices.


How to Build a Socially Responsible Employer Brand (and How It Can Help You Tackle Attrition)

People of all ages and from all generations have become skeptical about companies' corporate social responsibility efforts. Here's how to fold social change into all the fibers of your corporation's brand.

Growing a Business

If You Want to Build the Next Patagonia, Here's What Not to Do: 'We Realized We Were Turning Everybody Off'

Fifty years in, the leaders of the lauded outdoor apparel brand have are sharing lessons in responsible business — which they say is just plain good business — for up-and-coming entrepreneurs.


How to Reduce E-waste and Promote Repurpose in Your Business

Entrepreneurs can make a massive impact on sustainability by employing the right practices

Green Entrepreneur®

Entrepreneurs Can No Longer Hide From Sustainability — Here's How They Should Cultivate Sustainable Business Leadership

As we sculpt the businesses of tomorrow, it's time to engrain sustainability into our corporate DNA.

Green Entrepreneur®

Save The Planet — and Your Dollars — By Making Your Office Gadgets Greener. Here's How.

Millions of offices around the globe need to rethink their use of electronics.


4 Ways To Make Your Beloved Festivals Eco Friendly

Festivals in India bring together the entire nation in celebration and merriment. While all the festival celebrations are intended as a peaceful homage to the Gods and Goddesses, it has sadly begun affecting the environment in ways that are far from holy.

Thought Leaders

Emerging ESG Trends Forward-Thinking Small Business Owners Need to Watch

There are five key components that entrepreneurs have to get right to navigate their environmental, social and governance transformation successfully. Find out where your focus should be.