Expert Speak: Page 2
Uncover The Layers of Entrepreneurship
Soumya Rajan, Founder, Managing Director & CEO, Waterfield Advisors, decodes the Core, Inner Circle and Outer Ring of Entrepreneurship
Separating Fact From Fiction in Corporate Venture Capital
Aldi Adrian Hartanto, Head of Investments, MDI Ventures, a slew of public misconceptions about corporate venture capital that has for years been accepted as truth.
Startup and Standup
The conceptual model of an Entrepreneurial Pyramid offers a prioritization of the many efforts that will propel entrepreneurship forward.
To Speak Is To Lead. Wait, Isn't Leading About Listening?
Don't be a leader that's so busy listening you forget to speak. Listening is important, but speaking your passion is what inspires others to follow you.
5 Things you Should be Doing to Scale your Startup
Some people are simply more productive in the morning or evening. the traditional nine to five structure simply doesn't suit everyone
How to Smartly Raise Funds in North America
Unlike casting a wide net on your potential market, you'll need to definitely narrow down the list of probable investors
Ethos Behind Rendering GenNext Leader
Indian family businesses will let the biggest opportunities pass them by if they fail to create next-gen leaders, tapping the demographic dividend within family businesses.
5 Rules to Make it Big
I left a secure job to join HCL, then refused stability at HCL to start PCL, growing with every winning and losing bet.
This Pharma Expert Shares Why You Have To Do Things Differently To Succeed
Through the years of struggle I realized taking risk as an entrepreneur is very essential.
How Design Wise Thinking Works in Favour of a Company?
Design thinking or disciplined thinking brings focus when strategizing, which in many cases are rare.
How Investor and Investor-cum-mentor are Totally Different
"The two roles of investor and investor-cum-mentor are usually dovetailed because your interests are aligned with the entrepreneur's"
#6 Things Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Sajjan Jindal
If the Jindal Scion is your inspiration, check out who inspired him
What is Missing in Indian Startup Ecosystem?
Millions of young Indians are throwing away the securities of a job and starting up and an entire ecosystem is very supportive
Why do Some Companies Grow Consistently While Others Struggle
Sustained growth, while boring, is very desirable by management, employees, and suppliers
A Sports Pro's Guide to Entrepreneurship
Sports is dramatic, real and most importantly unscripted, which makes it inspirational