Management Peculiarities in Parallel Businesses: How to Build Highly Effective Teams and Launch Successful Projects
What principles are used to manage and build a highly effective team in different areas of business? Nozimjon Gaibulloev, the head of several successful business projects in different areas, shares his experience.
Looking for a Game-Changing Way to Showcase Your Expertise? Why a Book Is the 'World's Best Business Card'
Publishing a book, not an Instagram post, is the ultimate way to stand out and boost your credibility in a crowded marketplace.
How to Be Seen as an Expert in Anything
What does it take to be seen as an expert? It's a bit different for everyone.
Why I'm Industry Agnostic
When clients ask me what kind of industries my agency usually works in, I rarely give them the answer they want to hear.
3 Ways to Stand Out in the Expert Economy
Our modern-day technological revolution has led to an overwhelming increase in the amount of available information -- and an increased demand for those who can help us make sense of it.
10 Tips to Developing Your Personal Brand Through Thought Leadership
Becoming an expert doesn't happen overnight.
5 Paths to Positive Character Flow
Giving these gifts -- and an attitude of gratitude -- will boost your success in business and in life.
How to Let Go of Control and Hire an Expert
Experts focus on what they do best and maximize your time and investment.
The No. 1 Reason You're Not Experiencing Consistent Revenue in Your Business
It's a digital world out there. Make sure you're in it.
Be Firm In Your Zone of Genius
Work with the right-fit clients who accept you as the expert.
7 Ways to Position Yourself So People See You As An Expert
If you put in the time to offer superior information, you can charge more for it.
Why Hiring an Expert Is Smart When Undertaking a Rebrand
Bringing in external help may seem overwhelming, but a branding expert can provide a lot of insight that you may not be able to provide from an internal perspective.
To Speak Is To Lead. Wait, Isn't Leading About Listening?
Don't be a leader that's so busy listening you forget to speak. Listening is important, but speaking your passion is what inspires others to follow you.
How to Set Yourself Apart From the Competition
The talent you're born with is far less important than the effort you put into developing it.
Stick With the Basics to Quickly Establish Your Authority as a New Entrepreneur
An expert doesn't know everything about everything, just everything about what they claim is their expertise.