Finance Your Business: Page 3

Starting a Business

What Corporate Incubators and Accelerators Can Mean for Your Business

You may need funding, but the benefits of corporate incubators and accelerators may do more for your startup than the money.

Starting a Business

The Most Essential Things You Need in a Business Accelerator

A positive experience depends on setting realistic expectations and understanding what these programs can and can't do.


Joining a Pitch Fest for Business Financing

Entering a contest is a clever way to meet investors and industry bigwigs with whom you couldn't otherwise rub elbows.

Starting a Business

Entering a Small Business Funding Contest

Smart advice from experts about entering and winning a contest to fund your startup.

Starting a Business

What You Need to Know About Government Small-Business Grants

You might be able to land free money for your startup -- if you know how. These tips can help.

Money & Finance

2 Services That Can Help You With a Friends and Family Business Loan

If you're borrowing from people you know to get your startup off the ground, check out TrustLeaf and Able. These services may help make the process easier.

Starting a Business

The Paperwork You Must Complete for a Friends or Family Business Loan

Even if good old Dad is the one financing your startup, there's paperwork that must be filled out to keep everything on the up and up.

Business News

Hard Truths and Tips About Borrowing From Friends and Family

If you're planning to get a loan from friends or family, find out what can go wrong before money exchanges hands.


The Basics of Borrowing From Friends and Family

Getting a loan from family or friends? Here are some tips to make the deal a success.


The Ins and Outs of Microfinancing Your Small Business

What you need to know to land a $10,000 to $50,000 loan.

Business Ideas

Buying a Business Through Seller Financing

If you're interested in seller financing, here's what you need to know.

Debt / Loans / Refinancing

The 5 Cs of Qualifying for an SBA Business Loan

Discover the five factors that banks analyze to determine whether to approve your small-business loan application.

Debt / Loans / Refinancing

10 Questions to Ask Before Applying for a Bank Loan

Before you even fill out a loan application, here's the key information you need to know about small-business loans.

Growing a Business

The Number One Reason Banks Deny Loans to Many Small Business Owners

Why your business credit score is the make-it-or-break-it factor when it comes to small-business lending

Growing a Business

Busting the 5 Myths About Small Business Lending

Don't miss out on opportunities to secure funding for your business due to false information.