Home-Based Business: Page 2

Business Ideas

Suffering a Launched-From-Home Hangup? Here Are 6 Solutions.

The acceptance of home-based businesses is on the rise, but that doesn't mean you should relax your standards as an entrepreneur.

Side Hustle

Working on Your Side Hustle? Here Are 3 Habits to Be More Productive.

At home, the absence of a structured workplace makes it easy to get distracted. By adding structure to my weekends, I was able to become more productive.

Franchise 500 Annual Ranking

Our Top 5 Franchises You Can Run From Your Own Home

Be your own boss and work in your own house.

Business Ideas

4 Lessons Work-From-Home Parents Can Learn From That Hilarious BBC Interview Gone Awry

Robert Kelly's handling of his kids' interruption shows sometimes, life happens -- and that's OK.


5 Ways to Make Working From Home More Rewarding

No matter how much you love entrepreneurship, the hustle gets a bit dry from time to time.

Growth Strategies

The Ins and Outs of Micro-financing Your Small Business

With venture capital and angel investing ruling the investment scenario in recent years, many are unaware of micro-financing, which is becoming an increasingly popular and a viable option for small businesses.

Growing a Business

How This Mom Grew Multiple 6-Figure Businesses From Home

Find out how the Barefoot Executive, Carrie Wilkerson, built her empire.


4 Risks to Watch Out for Before Investing in a Property in Bengaluru

More than 25% of residential properties in Bangalore either have title flaws or inadequate permissions from government departments

Business Ideas

6 Hacks to Keep You Productive When Building Your Business From Home

Have you ever considered the value of dressing up, not down, for your home office?


Shared Economy - Bringing The Consumer And The Marketer Together

In conversation with CEO of Mumbai Angels, Chandni Jafri about how sharing economy is replacing the idea of ownership

Growth Strategies

With Third Round Of Funding, LivSpace Targets $100 M Revenue By 2017

Funding will be deployed to expand across metros.

Buying / Investing in Business

Bootstrapping Is Much More Fun Than Investors

Bootstrapping does require a full confidence in your own passion with no investors to lean on or blame. But isn't that why you signed up to be an entrepreneur in the first place?

Growth Strategies

5 Top Jobs For Stay-at-Home Moms

Here are some of the innumerable work-from-home opportunities for women.

Starting a Business

3 Non-Retail Options for Your Specialty Food Business

If you don't want to sell your specialty foods via a retail location or mail order, these methods offer a way to get started now.