Ideas: Page 3

Growing a Business

Two Stanford Professors Explain How to Produce Hundreds of World-Changing Ideas In 1 Hour

Cramming everyone into a conference room to "spitball" is a disaster. But with some structure and a system, literally thousands of ideas are within reach.

Thought Leaders

Is It a Business Opportunity or Just a Good Idea? Here's How You Can Tell.

When I came up with my product idea, I immediately wondered if it was also a business opportunity. Here are a few ways to know for sure.

Business Ideas

You Have a Great Idea, But You Work for Someone Else. What Do You Do With It?

An intrapreneur shares many of the same qualities as an entrepreneur, which path is the best fit for your new business idea?


What Bruce Lee Can Teach Leaders About the Benefits of Conflict and Challenging Ideas

Only organizations and leaders who cultivate an environment where ideas can flow freely and be challenged without judgment can make it. Here's how to make sure your company encourages the right kind of conflict.


7 Tips for Creating the Perfect Pitch

Whether selling your content idea to a publication editor or CEO, it's essential to do your homework and prepare a pitch that hits the mark.

Thought Leaders

You're Creative and Have Great Ideas — Now What?

Unless you also work hard, those ideas won't become reality.

Celebrity Entrepreneurs

Elon Musk has Highest CEO Compensation Package Ever, See 12 Facts About the CEO pining for Twitter

The founder of Tesla, SpaceX and SolarCity has big plans for Twitter.

Thought Leaders

The 3 Power Words All Entrepreneurs Need to Memorize

You'll need to remember these to handle tough situations on the journey to success.


Las 3 poderosas palabras que todos los emprendedores deben memorizar

Deberás recordarlas para manejar situaciones difíciles en el camino al éxito.

Thought Leaders

Want to Patent an Idea? Consider These 3 Tips

Don't allow your misconceptions and fear to keep you from filing a patent application. Consider these three tips.


¿Quieres Patentar una Idea? Considere estos 3 consejos

No permita que sus conceptos erróneos y el miedo le impidan presentar una solicitud de patente. Considere estos tres consejos.

Thought Leaders

Don't Wait For a Lightbulb Business Idea to Come to You, Go Out There and Find It

Instead of waiting for that perfect idea to come to you, with a little bit of intention, commitment and planning, you can find it on your own terms.


No esperes a que se te ocurra la gran idea de negocio, mejor sal y encuéntrala

En lugar de esperar a que se te ocurra la idea perfecta, con un poco de intención, compromiso y planificación, puedes encontrarla en tus propios términos.


Entrepreneurial Journey of Adwaita Nayar

Mentorship can create strong careers and strong personalities. My mom has been my biggest mentor. She is my boss, mom, and also my best friend: Adwaita Nayar