IFA: Page 2


In Tennessee, Only Franchisees Can Be Held Accountable for Employees

As the joint employer battles causes waves throughout the franchise industry, a new Tennessee law affirms franchisor and franchisee employees as separate entities.


Why the International Franchise Association Is Suing Seattle

Oral arguments on the preliminary injunction to prevent Seattle's minimum wage hike start today.


Franchisees Team Up to Urge Congress to Examine 'Joint Employer' Standard

Franchise industry leaders are lobbying to preserve the existing joint employer definition, in contrast to the National Labor Relations Board's recent decisions.


Franchise Industry Not Without Hurdles in 2015

The International Franchise Association predicts a solid 2015 for franchised businesses, though regulatory battles loom.


The International Franchise Board Tries to Dig Up Details on Labor Board's 'Joint Employer' Decision

The IFA plans to file a request with the National Labor Relations Board to disclose the reasoning behind deeming franchisors 'joint employers.'


Are Minimum-Wage Activists Trying to Kill the Franchise Model in Seattle?

The International Franchise Association claims Seattle's new minimum wage law discriminates against franchisees, and says it's all one labor union's fault.


Franchisees Seek Injunction to Halt Minimum-Wage Hike in Seattle

The International Franchise Association filed for an injunction preventing Seattle from enacting the new minimum wage law in its present state.


Franchisees Take Action Against Seattle's Minimum Wage Law

Outraged that the new law holds them to stricter rules than small-business owners, franchise owners are fighting back with a lawsuit and full-page ad in the 'Seattle Times.'


Seattle Says Franchises Aren't Small Businesses, Forces Them on $15 Wage Fast Track

The International Franchise Association is filing a lawsuit opposing Seattle's plan, which forces franchises to adopt a $15 minimum wage in three years.


Franchising for Entrepreneurs: An Entrepreneur Growth Conference Panel Preview

From answering "why franchising?" to facing the future of the industry, here's what to expect at Entrepreneur's Growth Conference's franchising panel.

Growing a Business

Report: Franchise Establishments to Post Biggest Growth Since the Recession

The International Franchising Association predicts that franchise growth and job creation will outpace the wider economy in 2014.


Franchise Sector Adds 15,000 Jobs as Growth Continues to Outpace Broader Market (Infographic)

The franchise industry created over 15,000 new jobs in September, according to the ADP National Franchise Report.


By the Numbers: A Look at the Franchise Economy (Infographic)

This nifty infographic breaks down the state of the franchise economy in terms of jobs, growth, policy and what to expect in the coming year.


Franchises Criticize War on Styrofoam as Expensive, Unproductive

Portland, Maine, joins the list of cities mulling a ban on polystyrene - a move that small-business owners and franchisees say will unfairly increase costs.


Franchise Sector Seen Growing Faster Than Broader Economy; Health Care, Regulation Top Franchisee Concerns

While the franchise sector is forecast to grow faster than the broader economy, franchisees are concerned by increasing government regulations and pessimistic about the future of small business.