
Business News

A Woman Is Suing Disney World After Suffering 'Injurious' Waterslide Wedgie at Typhoon Lagoon

Emma McGuinness was going down the Humunga Kowabunga waterslide when the incident occurred.

Business News

'Price Is Right' Contestant Wins Trip to Hawaii — and the ER. 'He's Really Hurting.'

Contestant Henry Choi celebrated his victory a little too voraciously.

Business Ideas

You Could Lose Your Entire Business in a Personal Injury Claim. Here's How to Protect Yourself

As the prevalence of personal injury lawsuits grows nationally, what does this mean for small business owners? How can you be proactive as a business owner, plan ahead for the potential of accidents, and create a safe work environment? Careful planning and training can go a long way.

Business News

Cold Stone Creamery Employees Quit En Masse After Fellow Worker Loses 3 Fingers on the Job

The employee was cleaning an ice cream machine when the accident occurred.

Money & Finance

Entrepreneurs Can't Afford to Stint on Disability Insurance

Illness or injury can be disastrous, especially for those living paycheck to paycheck.