Introverts: Page 3


This is Why Introverts Are Some of The Best Franchisors

Introverts bring a few key strengths to the business that extroverts most often lack


5 Reasons Introverts Make Great Entrepreneurs

Someone calls you a geek stay calm because you are destined to rule

Thought Leaders

How, Even As an Introvert, I Still Learned to Close Sales

A follow-up email and a smile on your face -- even one that your prospect can't see -- can help nail that sale.


Angie's List Founder Leads with Her Introversion -- and Has Thrived For Two Decades

To be a great leader, you don't need to be anyone but yourself.

Business News

5 Networking Tips for Introverts Moving to a New Industry

Networking doesn't have to be scary. Here are some tips to make it smooth sailing.

Growth Strategies

How to be Social for Entrepreneurs Who are Introverts

Stereotype that we all have in our mind for an entrepreneur does not prepare us to think of that person as shy, but what if otherwise


In Leadership, Introversion Is Underrated -- and Warren Buffett and Bill Gates Share How They Use It to Their Advantage.

Some of the world's most powerful leaders in business have thrived despite their not being born outgoing, chatty or comfortable in large groups.


This Introverted Entrepreneur With an Oprah-Approved Brand Shares How to Rise Above Fear to Embrace Every Opportunity

Carol's Daughter founder Lisa Price says getting out of your comfort zone is what makes you a strong leader.


3 Ways to Make Memorable Small Talk That Gets People Interested In Working With You

The easiest way to be intriguing is listen closely after you've asked someone to tell you about themself.

Growth Strategies

Five Networking Tips For Entrepreneurs Who Are Introverts

Bina Mathews, a Master NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) coach of Bina Mathews Consulting shares her insights on how introverts can form and maintain relationships.


How to Keep Introverted Employees From Quietly Leaving Your Company -- in Droves

A Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test could determine the mix of introverts and extroverts at your company -- helping you to help everyone thrive.


Turns Out, Those Who Like Being Alone Can Be More Creative

Why taking time for solitude benefits you and your brain.


Introversion Is Not A Weakness, So Why Are You Treating It Like One?

Have you ever considered that seating arrangements are key to helping your introverted employees feel comfortable?

Thought Leaders

Do Extroverts Have an Advantage in Entrepreneurship?

No worries: With practice, you can train yourself to master habits and approaches that help those on "the other side" run their businesses.

Thought Leaders

5 Tips to Become a More Extroverted Introvert

How to step out of your comfort zone when necessary.