Managing Change: Page 3


Five Qualities Leaders Need in the Modern World

Any leader who wants to avoid being made obsolete will have to adapt to the times

Growth Strategies

Why Only Those Who Embrace Change Become Champions in Business

High-level managers give plenty of lip service to change, but deep down they do not like to work on themselves – in reality, even the best managers are reluctant to change


What Taking My Company Into a Whole New Industry Has Taught Me About Being an Entrepreneur

Whatever the reason for the move, with good planning, you'll find ways to pull up stakes and make a home someplace completely foreign to you.

Making a Change

Are You Ready for a Change? Here Are 5 Ways to Get Mentally Prepared.

It's going to happen. The only question is: Will you embrace it?

Making a Change

Why the Ability to Change Gears Is an Entrepreneur's Most Valuable Skill

Today's million-dollar idea might be tomorrow's flop, so you need to be ready to adapt.


Talking About Culture Is Hard. This Unusual Method Makes It Easier.

Here's how we use metaphor to unlock positive dialogue and change around organizational behavior.


Leading Your Company Forward in These Tumultuous Times

A shifting power base in a polarizing political climate is changing the landscape of leadership. How do you garner trust, create a culture of accountability and ensure a healthy and productive workplace?

Making a Change

2 Insights Entrepreneurs Can Take From Marty Crane and His Chair

That ugly, green recliner symbolizes the downsides of comfort, a reality entrepreneurs need to appreciate.

Making a Change

Change Is Not Enough -- We Must Evolve

When it comes to your business, are you making the distinction between change and evolution?

Making a Change

10 Truths for Making Change Successful

Every change initiative is unique, but the truths about making change succeed are, by and large, the same.


When and Why Co-Founders Should Stop Managing Their Company

While it may not be easy to step away from a management role in your business, at some point you see red flags that indicate it is time for a change.


How I Rebounded After Nearly Flunking Out of College

Shame that you let down yourself and the people who have faith in you is a powerful motivator.

Thought Leaders

Are You a Real Entrepreneur or Just an Entrepreneur Lite?

It all comes down to facing your fears, challenging yourself and breaking out of your comfort zone.


10 Lessons From Daily Life About Making Habits Stick

Better habits start with understanding why we want to change and what we stand to gain.